Michael “MK” KimGimbap | 김밥I made these Korean rolls today (6/3/20), using a recipe from Maangchi’s Real Korean Cooking Cookbook.Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
Michael “MK” KimJapchae | 잡채I made japchae this morning (6/7/20), using the recipe from Maangchi’s Real Korean Cooking Cookbook. and packed it for our hike to…Jun 8, 2020Jun 8, 2020
Michael “MK” KimGyeran-Jjim | 계란찜I made gyeran-jjim today (6/14/20), mainly using Maangchi’s recipe but making a few adjustments. It was a super quick recipe, taking no…Jun 14, 2020Jun 14, 2020
Michael “MK” KimTteokbokki | 떡볶이I made tteokbokki for lunch today (6/15/20), using Maangchi’s recipe. Surprisingly quick recipe.Jun 16, 2020Jun 16, 2020
Michael “MK” KimYangnyum-Chicken | 양념치킨I made yangnyum chicken for dinner last night with roommates + Lydia (6/18/20) using maangchi’s recipe. It was more work than expected, so…Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
Michael “MK” KimMiyeokguk | 미역국I made miyeokguk for lunch today (6/19/20) using Maangchi’s recipe. Lydia and I, WFHing together today, took the rice leftover from…Jun 19, 2020Jun 19, 2020
Michael “MK” Kim“LA” Galbi | 갈비I marinated Galbi for the first time this weekend, to eat with Lydia on a trip to Monterey and with my family for my mom’s birthday. It…Jul 12, 2020Jul 12, 2020
Michael “MK” KimKimchi-Jjigae | 김치 찌개I made kimchi-jjigae for the family on Friday morning (7/10/20) using Baek Jong-won’s recipe. I ate it for lunch, and the family ate it…Jul 13, 2020Jul 13, 2020
Michael “MK” KimKimchijeon | 김치전I made Kimchijeon for lunch today (7/14/20) using Baek Jong-Won’s recipe. Super simple and quick.Jul 14, 2020Jul 14, 2020
Michael “MK” KimYachaejeon | 야채전I made these for lunch today (7/17/20) using Maangchi’s recipe because we had a lot of vegetables to use up. I thought they were okay.Jul 19, 2020Jul 19, 2020
Michael “MK” KimJanchi-Guksu |잔치 국수I made this for Saturday night dinner (7/18/20) with Lydia — instead of using a recipe like I normally do, I just talked with my mom about…Jul 19, 2020Jul 19, 2020